Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Today is my first ever for a couple things. First blog ever and first Chloe's journal! yay! I'm excited to share my thoughts and dreams.
Chloe was 10 months old this past Saturday. She has her first tooth, which she got in about 2 weeks ago and also has a second one poppin through right next to numero uno! Finally!! I think since she was about 3 months old I have been saying she's teething; she must be getting some teeth! So, for the last 7 months, I kept waiting for something to pop through and it never did...
Everyday Chloe gets stronger and stronger. She is now standing on her own for longer periods of time. It seems to be longer as each day passes.
Chloe started to crawl at 6 months, sit up at 5....what else. She is attached to me like no other!! It's insane, I can't leave her with anyone! Well, there a couple out there that can take her on! She's never taken a bottle, she has not really liked baby foods, and I still can barely get her to eat the same foods we eat. She likes momma. Way too much!! I think I am going to be breastfeeding until she's 4! I am worried about the weaning process. I have decided I will worry about her eating habits more when she's a year.
Chloe loves her babies - babies in pictures in magazines, babies at the park or market. But most of all, she loves her boyfriend Everett. E lives next door and is almost 4 months older. (He's robbin' the cradle!) Every time Chloe sees Everett, she gets so excited! It;s really cute. She has 4 babies (dolls); she has learned to hug and kiss them - so adorable.
Another thing Chloe does is plays with her ears when she's tired. The more tired she is, the more intense the playing.
We have been through the ringer when it comes to nap time and night time bed. She will scream and scream until I get her. Sometimes she will fall asleep on her own after crying while other times she doesn't even cry, she watches me leave the room and then lays down and falls asleep. There is no rhyme or reason, I never know what it's gunna be.
Overall, she has been a great, easy baby. The past 10 months have been amazing! Chloe is amazing!